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How long will my claim take to settle?

An undisputed straight forward injury claim may be resolved in as little as a few months. More complicated claims may take longer as time has to pass for the injuries to stabilise. The factors which can affect the timescale are:

  •  A dispute as to what has happened. The question of blame or whether the amount of your claim is reasonable may be argued by the other party.
  • Insurance Companies may be slow in dealing with claims and particularly with answering correspondence.
  • Medical evidence is generally required before an assessment of compensation can be made. Medical experts are very busy and from time to time there may be delays in receiving appointments or written reports.
  • A small majority of cases go to Court and the Court process can be slow.

Whilst speed is good, it is better to ensure the right outcome. A thorough consideration of your claim may result in higher compensation. It is important to ensure that you receive the appropriate level of damages.