Movers & Shakers
Brentwood Family Fun days 2023
Mullis and Peake had another successful year sponsoring the Brentwood Borough Council Fun Days. The four Fun Days for 2023 were at Warley Playing Fields, Kelvedon Hatch Village Hall, The Brentwood Centre, and Hutton Recreational Grounds.
Mullis & Peake attended The Brentwood Borough Council Fun Days for 2023 between Friday 4th August and Friday 25th August.
The events were a big hit with the local community as they offer a great day filled with funfair rides, Punch & Judy shows, family activities, animal handling, food vendors and more.
This year M&P offered a selection of crafts instead of the flower and veg planting we offered in 2022. Our popular tombola also made a return.
M&P offered the chance to grab free merchandise: trolley coins, notepads, water bottles, umbrellas, coloring pencils, pens, mint tins, and bottle openers were all on offer.
Thank you to Brentwood Borough Council for organising the events. They did a fantastic job ensuring everyone had a great time. Our selection of crafts and games were a great hit with the children.